Coaching & Consultancy can support you gain access to expert help - when you need it.

There are times when an off the shelf training course don’t meet the needs of your organisation or team. This is when liaising with Jude to gain access to either call-off style coaching or consultancy can help you most.
This style of engagement can be tailored to your needs – been that the ability to arrange short 1-2 hours of support, through the more regular day or half day support per month.
When it comes to coaching and consultancy your needs come first. Get in touch and we can discuss the type and level of support you would benefit from.

Topics you may wish support with, but don't feel limited by these options....
Agile Culture
Assess and explore the culture of your organisation. Generate a benchmark of where you are, and then explore opportunities to enhance your maturity level.
Vision & Goals
Support in running workshops or events to review your current portfolio of product or project visions.
1:1 Coaching
Support delivered on a 1:1 basis with staff looking to grow their skills and mindset. This can be either at Leadership level, or targeted to specific roles (such as Product Owners or Scrum Masters).
Team Coaching
Team level coaching to support them during the implementation of an agile approach, helping them establish which techniques or frameworks may work best in their environment.